{"id":2476,"date":"2023-03-15T15:34:34","date_gmt":"2023-03-15T15:34:34","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/cult.technology\/?p=2476"},"modified":"2023-03-15T15:34:34","modified_gmt":"2023-03-15T15:34:34","slug":"how-to-cancel-starz-subscription","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/cult.technology\/how-to-cancel-starz-subscription\/","title":{"rendered":"How to Cancel Starz Subscription?"},"content":{"rendered":"

When it comes to freshening our minds, the first thing that strikes us is watching movies or series on our favourite platforms. OTTs are becoming our best companions in our leisure time. If you love to watch movies, series, sitcoms, comedy videos etc., you must have explored video streaming platforms.<\/p>\n

Did you ever watch any content on Starz? If yes, then you must go through this article thoroughly. Starz is a US-based over-the-top platform where you can find American movies, series and many more exciting contents. If you have ever subscribed to Starz, you must know how to cancel Starz subscription\u00a0<\/strong>in case you no longer find it economically viable for you.<\/p>\n


How to cancel Starz subscription?<\/h2>\n

Starz provides you with a monthly subscription and an annual subscription vis-a-vis $8.99\u00a0 and $74.99 respectively. If you have subscribed to the monthly package, you must know that it automatically renews at the end of every month. When you are completely done with watching content, you need to know how to unsubscribe from Starz.\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n

How to unsubscribe from Starz<\/strong> on an iOS device?<\/h3>\n

The iOS users are regular viewers of Starz. So this part will boost the mind of a great percentage of Starz users. No matter if you are an Android or iPhone user, you can freely unsubscribe from your Starz account at any point. You must go through the method to cancel your Starz subscription from an iOS device.<\/p>\n

  1. First of all, open your iOS device and go to \u2018Settings<\/strong>\u2019.<\/li>\n
  2. Select your Apple ID<\/a> or name. Click on the \u2018Media & Purchase<\/strong>‘ option.<\/li>\n
  3. Having selected the \u2018View Account<\/strong>‘ option, enter your Apple ID and click on \u2018Subscriptions<\/strong>\u2019.<\/li>\n
  4. Choose \u2018Starz Subscription<\/strong>‘ among them and tap on \u2018Cancel Subscription<\/strong>‘.<\/li>\n
  5. Select the \u2018Confirm<\/strong>\u2019 option to continue the process.<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

    After doing these things, you will be able to cancel your Starz subscription from your iPhone or iPad.<\/p>\n

    How to cancel Starz subscription <\/strong>on the Starz website?<\/h3>\n

    You must cancel the subscription if you don\u2019t want to lose your valuable money. The following steps will help you to unsubscribe from Starz on its website.<\/p>\n

    1. Open a web browser on your device and visit the website of Starz by searching Starz.com or you can click on the link. https:\/\/www.starz.com\/<\/a><\/li>\n
    2. Click on the login menu<\/strong> at the top right corner of the page.<\/li>\n
    3. Log in to your Starz<\/strong> account. You need to give the registered e-mail ID and password of your account. Click on continue.<\/li>\n
    4. After selecting your profile, you have to navigate to the \u2018account<\/strong>‘ section and click on the \u2018Subscription<\/strong>‘ menu.<\/li>\n
    5. Select the \u2018Cancel Subscription<\/strong>‘ option.<\/li>\n
    6. After that, select the reason for its cancellation and click on the \u2018Continue Cancellation<\/strong>‘ button.<\/li>\n
    7. When the process is completed, you would get a confirmation message on the screen.<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

      How to cancel Starz subscription <\/strong>on an Android device?<\/h3>\n

      If you are an Android user, you must know to unsubscribe from your Starz account on your device. You need to follow the steps below.<\/p>\n

      1. Open the PlayStore application on your Android device and go to your profile in the top right corner of your mobile screen.<\/li>\n
      2. Select the \u2018Payments and Subscriptions<\/strong>\u2019 option from the list. Then select the \u2018Subscription<\/strong>\u2019 option.<\/li>\n
      3. Search for \u2018Starz Subscription<\/strong>‘ and tap on it.<\/li>\n
      4. Click on the \u2018Cancel Subscription<\/strong>‘. The cancellation process will be completed from your Android mobile.<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n\n
        \n\t\t\tDeveloper: <\/span>\n\t\t\tStarz Entertainment, LLC<\/span><\/a><\/span>\n\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t
        \n\t\t\tPrice: <\/span>\n\t\t\tFree<\/span> \n\t\t\t

        If you have subscribed to Starz while using your Android device, you need to cancel the subscription through this process. You just have to go through the aforesaid points.<\/p>\n

        How to cancel Starz subscription on Amazon <\/strong>Prime?<\/h3>\n

        Many Amazon Prime lovers add a subscription to Starz to their Amazon Prime account. In case you have completed watching the contents of Starz, you need to unsubscribe from your Amazon accounts for financial purposes.<\/p>\n

        1. First, you need to open a web browser on your device and go to the Amazon Prime website.<\/li>\n
        2. Sign in to your Amazon Prime account that you have used to buy a Starz subscription.<\/li>\n
        3. Navigate to the \u2018Accounts and Lists’ section and select \u2018Memberships and Subscriptions’ under it.<\/li>\n
        4. Click on \u2018Prime Video Channels’. You can find the channels you have subscribed to under this account. On selecting an option, for instance, Starz, you will be redirected to the login page again.<\/li>\n
        5. Find \u2018Starz Channel’ and click on the \u2018Cancel Subscription’ option under the Action column present next to Starz Channel.<\/li>\n
        6. After that, select the \u2018turn off Auto-renew\u2019 option and give a reason for cancelling the subscription.<\/li>\n
        7. You may see a pop-up for confirmation of the process. After completing the cancellation process successfully, you can see the \u2018Restart Channel’ option next to the Starz channel.<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

          How to unsubscribe from Starz <\/strong>on Youtube TV?<\/h3>\n

          Sometimes people add Starz subscriptions on Youtube TV. For cancellation of Starz subscription from your Youtube TV account, you need to go through the following steps.<\/p>\n

          1. Turn on your device and go to a web browser.<\/li>\n
          2. Search for Youtube TV or tap on the link https:\/\/tv.youtube.com\/welcome\/<\/a><\/li>\n
          3. Sign in to your account and click on your profile.<\/li>\n
          4. Select the \u2018Settings\u2019 option and choose \u2018Membership’ in it.<\/li>\n
          5. Find Starz and remove it. Do not forget to confirm the cancellation process.<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

            How to unsubscribe from Starz on Roku TV?<\/h3>\n