Naruto Shippuden is an anime series preferred by viewers due to its excellent ninja story. It is the second part of the series named Naruto. In terms of creating plots, the series contains lots of filler episodes. Sometimes, you do not want to watch filler episodes as they can deviate you from the main storyline. In that case, you came to the best place. If you want to know how to watch Naruto Shippuden without fillers, you can go through the article.
How to watch Naruto Shippuden without fillers?
Naruto is a Japanese manga series written by Masashi Kishimoto. It is an adventure fantasy comedy series that is based on the story of a young ninja, Naruto Usumaki. The series started to stream in 2002. Naruto Shippuden is the second part of the previous series containing 500 episodes. It is directed by Hayato Date and was aired on TV Tokyo from 2007 to 2017.
If you are a great fan of anime series, you must watch these series. You can get a complete essence of a good story if you watch the episodes including fillers. But, if you do not want to deviate from the main storyline you can skip the filler episodes in various ways. Naruto and Naruto Shippuden contain 44% and 41% filler episodes respectively.
These anime series are worth watching due to their excellent approach to storytelling. But, you may not want to waste your time by watching filler episodes. In this article, we are going to explain the methods by which you can watch Naruto Shippuden without fillers.
Method 1: Ultimate Naruto Kai
If you are a fan of the Naruto series, you should watch its second part, Naruto Shippuden. To watch the series without fillers, you can watch ‘Ultimate Naruto Kai’. Ultimate Naruto Kai is a fan project that is dedicated to removing fillers in the Naruto series. This is made by Koggmanky on Reddit. Though there were several attempts to make Naruto and Naruto Shippuden series without fillers previously, this version is the best to watch for the viewers.
If you want to skip the filler episodes of Naruto Shippuden, you can go through Ultimate Naruto Kai episodes. Ultimate Naruto Kai is a re-edit of all canon Naruto episodes. You can watch the 72 episodes that correspond to the amount of content of 72 manga volumes. The episodes are about 60 to 90 minutes long only. You can get Naruto Shippuden without fillers by watching 72 full-length movies of Ultimate Naruto Kai. The movies are so well edited that you can be satisfied by watching their perfect starting and ending without fillers.
This method of watching Naruto Shippuden without fillers is the best one to go through the main storyline of the series. You can easily avoid the fillers and enjoy your favourite ninja story.
Method 2: Watching Naruto Shippuden Without Fillers on Certain Sites or OTT Platforms
Another way to watch the filler-free Naruto Shippuden series is by watching the series on sites like Hulu, Vudu etc. that specify the filler episodes. You can easily subscribe to the sites for watching various series. The sites specify episodes of the series in the categories like canon, mostly canon, filler, mostly filler etc. You can easily figure out the episodes that you want to watch. You can easily filter the canon-only episodes of anime series. Apart from the Naruto series, you can watch other anime series like Dragon Ball Z, Bleach, One Piece etc. on these sites.
If you are a true fan of anime stories and do not want to go through filler episodes of anime series, you can subscribe to the sites described below. You need to spend some money to enjoy the main storylines of anime series like Naruto Shippuden without fillers. Here we will discuss some important sites that provide anime episodes applying filters. Please go through the description of the sites below-
The best site to watch Naruto and Naruto Shippuden series without fillers is Hulu. In this case, you have to subscribe to Hulu. The subscription fee for this site is $5.99 per month with ads and 11.99 per month without ads.
You can watch 220 episodes of Naruto and 500 episodes of Naruto Shippuden on Hulu. In case you do not want to watch filler episodes, you can apply the Canon-Only filter in the episodes. Also, you can watch any anime series with subtitles and dubbed versions.
There is another option to watch the whole series without spending money. Hulu gives you a 30-day free trial. If you are capable to watch all the episodes of the Naruto Shippuden series in 30 days, you can watch it in the free trial period of Hulu.
Another site to watch anime series without fillers is Funimation. The interface to watch anime is better on this site than on Hulu. But, you can only watch the Naruto series here as it does not contain the Naruto Shippuden series. So, if you want to watch only the first part of the Naruto series, you can subscribe to Funimation.
The subscription fee of this site is only 5.99 per month without ads. You can see lots of other anime series with subtitles and dubbed versions. You can filter those episodes to watch only canonical episodes. It is the best deal to watch filler-free anime series if you want to watch only Naruto. Also, you can get 15% off, if you want to grab its annual subscription.
If you are fond of anime series, you must go through the site named Vudu. On these sites, you can watch the first 52 episodes of Naruto without paying any amount of money. But, you cannot watch the later episodes of Naruto with or without paying anything in Vudu. So, the site is not the best deal for watching the first part of the Naruto series. But, you can watch Naruto Shippuden on this site easily. There are about 38 volumes each having 12 to 14 episodes of Naruto Shippuden. You can watch the whole series by paying $20 for each volume. You can download the episodes if you want to keep those on your device forever.
This site is not included in the best sites list to watch Naruto Shippuden, as you have to spend a lot. You must prefer the other options to watch Naruto Shippuden without fillers.
Another site to watch anime series is Tubi. You can watch the series with subtitles. But, you cannot get the dubbed versions of any anime series. Also, the site is not suitable for viewers who do not want to watch advertisements.
You can watch only the Naruto series with subtitles and ads on this site. When you are done with the first part, you have to move to another site for watching Naruto Shippuden.
The anime series on this site contains lots of 30 seconds advertisements. If you do not have enough patience to watch series with ads, you are not recommended to go through this site at all.
This article describes the methods of how you can watch Naruto Shippuden without fillers. If you want to go through the main storyline of anime series, the methods can help you to fulfil your desire. But, the filler episodes of any anime series are made for creating the plots. If you want to enjoy the complete essence of the Naruto Shippuden series, you must watch filler episodes too.
Hope the article helped you to get ideas for watching Naruto Shippuden without filler episodes. Happy Reading! Follow for more updates.